Friday, October 06, 2006

October 6 | The most interesting stat...

Baseball is a game of stats. Analysts, fanatics, hitting coaches drool over them. Well just because it's the playoffs don't think the importance of stats are going to change.

In 8 playoff games thus far, the away team has won 5 of those games.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

October 5 | MLB Predictions

1st round of MLB playoff predictions...

Doug McKinney
Oakland-Minnesota: Minnesota Twins
Detroit-New York (AL): New York Yankees
St. Louis-San Diego: St. Louis Cardinals
Los Angeles (NL)-New York (NL): New York Mets

Rocky Parrish
Oakland-Minnesota: Minnesota Twins
Detroit-New York (AL): Detroit Tigers
St. Louis-San Diego: St. Louis Cardinals
Los Angeles (NL)-New York (NL): Los Angeles Dodgers

Derek Miller
Oakland-Minnesota: Minnesota Twins
Detroit-New York (AL): Detroit Tigers
St. Louis-San Diego: San Diego Padres
Los Angeles (NL)-New York (NL): Los Angeles Dodgers