Saturday, April 29, 2006

Obviously Taylor's Thinking...I don't know what the hell he's thinking?!?!

As Ari Gold - yes the stud agent from Entourage who is played by Jeremy Piven - says: you don't pass on a hit.

Passing on Reggie Bush, a hit, is a career ender. Charlie Casserly, by picking Mario Williams #1 overall over Bush, your career is over.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Casserly in his Redskins days. He did a great job in bringing in talent and keeping the fans happy, but if I'm a Texans fan, I am irate.

I've heard the reports that yeah the only way to win in the Division is to beat Peyton and his Colts. Well, how do you know this Williams kid - whose highlight reel consists of a few nice plays against my Maryland Terps - is the real deal?

Reggie Bush is one of those few safe, sure picks. The Texans just passed on a hit.


At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I can't believe they didn't pick up Bush.


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